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Space Clav

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Joined: 27 Mar 2002
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Location: Stranded on a spaceship hideaway (in Israel)

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2002 18:52    Reply with quote

Space Clav
I was always suprised about the fact that J wrote instrumentals even before they started program the songs. I was even more suprised to find out an official released track that wasn't written nor co written by j: space clav. it reads: "written by zender/smith" or maybe it was "smith/zender"

they were never signed with sony so I don't understand sony for releasing it even as a b-side for "half the man"

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Joined: 20 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2002 23:38    Reply with quote

Maybe cos it's a damn good song?

One of Jami's best instrumentals, and totally underrated.

Encontre el Amor asi... Smile
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Joined: 21 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2002 20:22    Reply with quote

Highly Agree: Space Clav one of the best!
supersonic black Hello everyone, :jay2:

I highly agree Ezbe, "Space Clav" is one of the most underrated Jamiroquai instrumentals with "Music Of The Mind" being the best of the best, in the same field but in a different catagory, I think "Just Another Story" is the most underrated Jamiroquai song. Such great visuals in that song about a young man's life in turmoil, the song was kind of eerie for me Crying or Very sad cause....the song relates so much with my brother's life, well when he was alive, he died three years ago of a drug overdose. He didn't live his life, he squandered his life with drugs, alcohol, police convictions, and treating my whole family in part as crap (Stealing money from my parents & grandparents to buy drugs, use his friends as acessories for drug scores). I hated him with all my being and didn't consider him a brother, just outcast, but that I look back on his life, at least it taught me many hard lessons about the effects of Drugs & Alcohol on a person, when he died I made a vow with my parents, family and myself that I would NEVER Drink, do drugs or smoke. I'm sorry for going off on a tangent, I hate to ponder on my old skeletons in the closet, but it happens sometimes. Thanks for listening and Peace!

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Joined: 11 Feb 2002
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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2002 02:14    Reply with quote

follow up
That is hard to read JamiroFan. That is a very sad story. My friend (who abused Marijuana) just got caught and I can't think about her the same way as before. I am glad she got caught before she ended up like your brother. I personally think that if you can handle it, you'll be fine. I would never ever do a habit-forming dependant drug. Marijuana isn't, but I only use it when the time is right, like every month or so. Most people can't handle drugs, and that is sad. I am so sorry to hear about your brother.

I think the instrumental: 'bullet' also portrays to a life in turmoil. I really like the song when it rises to the floaty feeling I get (you know the part I'm talking about!)

That is weird that Jay didn't contribute to Space Clav! Hard to believe they released it!

-GonZo NeSlo
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PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2002 08:56    Reply with quote

a jamiroquai song - with no jay input? never thought... Razz what an ace track. the ROTSC era was so deep... evoked a lot of thoughts and emotions.

man. jamirofan i'm really sorry for what happened to your brother... sounds like he was very lost... his life would have been spared if only someone was able to show him the better way. at least he's living a better life now. may he rest in peace, and jamirofan, do take care.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 17:28    Reply with quote

Space Clav
Anybody know where i can find the lyrics of space clav (live version) ?
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Joined: 27 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 18:54    Reply with quote

space clav? live version? when and where was that!?
3afro 3privateeye 3winter alright
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 14:07    Reply with quote

Japan Tour '93
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 19:40    Reply with quote

Space Clav lyrical version, NASA Shuttle loss...
buffaloman_B Hello, :bm_b:

Ah, yes, there was a lyrical version of "Space Clav" performed a while back. Most of the replies have touched on it, but I'll give you the specifics. The somewhat lyrical version of "Space Clav" was performed by Jamiroquai at the Club Citta Show from 10/10/93, but it was mostly of JK improvised lyrics, "I want to go, I want to take you there, on a Space Clav", at least the only ones I could make out. The rest of the performance of a tight true to form "Space Clav" with remarkable basslines done by the lord of the bass Stu! I hope this answers your question and sheds some light on it. In a more sad note, today at 9:00am EST, the U.S. lost her NASA Space Shuttle Columbia during it's re-entry into Earth's Atmosphere after a 14 day science mission, 7 crew members died in the explosion, all my prayers and condolences go to the families of the lost astronauts of NASA Space Shuttle Columbia STS-107. This crew endeavored to extend our understanding of science & space for all humanity, they will be sorely missed. Godspeed.


The Crew of Space Shuttle Columbia STS-107:
Starting from the Left: David M. Brown, Rick D. Husband, Laurel B Clark,
Kalpana Chawla, Michael P. Anderson, William C. McCool,
& Ilan Ramon.
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Joined: 27 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 20:11    Reply with quote

that was the only thing they talked about in all of our national tv channel today. I wonder what has happened there. could it be a fuel lick like in "challenger"?

ok, this is after a message edit: I just saw on tv what NASA people think that probably happned: the spaceshuttle lost control while entering the atmosphere. and the heat there (over 1000 C) made it explode.
3afro 3privateeye 3winter alright
7drums 7electricguitar 7piano 7microphone
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